Try these refreshing Green Power Juice. Do you want to start you day in a healthy way? Make a green power juice by following these steps. Click here for full recipe.


Green Power Juice

Do you want to start you day in a healthy way? Make a green power juice by following these steps.

15 mins

4 1


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  • Cut apple, pineapple and ginger into smaller pieces.

  • Peel the skin of the lemon and cut into four pieces.

  • Blend in a blender apple, ginger, Emborg Organic Garden Peas and lemon.

  • Serve with mint leaves.

  • Enjoy!

There are multiple benefits from organic products, but you can also use regular peas.

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15 mins
4 persons

Green Power Juice

Do you want to start you day in a healthy way? Make a green power juice by following these steps.
Green Power Juice - Emborg

4 persons


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  • 1. Cut apple, pineapple and ginger into smaller pieces.

  • 2. Peel the skin of the lemon and cut into four pieces.

  • 3. Blend in a blender apple, ginger, Emborg Organic Garden Peas and lemon.

  • 4. Serve with mint leaves.

  • 5. Enjoy!