Try these refreshing Veal Steak with Danablu Sauce. Try this delicious dish by following the steps. Click here for full recipe.


Veal Steak with Danablu Sauce

Try this delicious dish by following the steps.

30 mins

4 persons


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  • Melt the butter and stir in the flour. Add the milk little by little, while stirring, and let the sauce boil on high heat for 4 to 5 minutes.

  • Add Emborg Danablu, stir until melted and season with cream, salt and white pepper.

  • Fry the veal 3 minutes on each side according to thickness, sprinkling the meat with salt and pepper, as well as tarragon if you wish.

  • Remove the veal from the pan, pour the juices from the pan over the meat and let stand for a few minutes before serving.

Fast side dish

  • Fry courgette cubes or mushroom strips in a very hot pan with a little olive oil, stirring until tender but still crisp. Season with salt, freshly ground pepper.

  • Enjoy!

Add a few small pieces of Danablu to the sauce just before serving if you like a good, strong cheese flavour.

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30 mins
4 persons

Veal Steak with Danablu Sauce

Try this delicious dish by following the steps.
Veal Steak with Danablu Sauce - Emborg Singapore

4 persons


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  • 1. Melt the butter and stir in the flour. Add the milk little by little, while stirring, and let the sauce boil on high heat for 4 to 5 minutes.

  • 2. Add Emborg Danablu, stir until melted and season with cream, salt and white pepper.

  • 3. Fry the veal 3 minutes on each side according to thickness, sprinkling the meat with salt and pepper, as well as tarragon if you wish.

  • 4. Remove the veal from the pan, pour the juices from the pan over the meat and let stand for a few minutes before serving.

Fast side dish

  • 1. Fry courgette cubes or mushroom strips in a very hot pan with a little olive oil, stirring until tender but still crisp. Season with salt, freshly ground pepper.

  • 2. Enjoy!