It’s time for Hari Raya celebration, and the best way to celebrate Raya is through the delicious foods with our raya recipe! From the tasty and savoury Raya dishes to the crumbly and buttery Raya cookies, the taste of Raya and the joy of sharing are something to be truly savoured and enjoyed with your loved ones. Let’s Rasa Raya Rasa Sayang! Selamat Hari Raya!

Rasa Raya Rasa Sayang

It’s time for Hari Raya celebration, and the best way to celebrate is through the delicious foods with our Raya recipes! From the tasty and savoury Raya dishes to the crumbly and buttery Raya cookies, the taste of Raya and the joy of sharing are something to be truly savoured and enjoyed with your loved ones. Let’s Rasa Raya Rasa Sayang! Selamat Hari Raya!

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